Dynamic Programming#
Let’s start by introducing dynamic programming. For this, we will use a simple problem called cake eating
. We will use dynamic programming
because there are problems where “things become much more complicated as soon as the environment in which we are searching for optimal decisions becomes uncertain.
We will use the cake eating problem because it is simple and has an analytical solution. We begin with an agent who has a certain resource (cake) that has a size
We can assume that the agent will consume all their resources, therefore:
Using a CRRA utility
The all-in-one
solution is to try to to find the complete path of consumption
The FOC:
Using the FOC
Then, we can substitute
Finally, the consumption path is
using Plots, Parameters
function params(; γ = 0.5,
β = 0.95,
a0 = 100.0,
TT = 200)
return (γ=γ, β=β, a0=a0, TT=TT)
function consumption!(p, c_t)
@unpack TT, β, γ, a0 = p
# Calculate the time path of consumption
for it in 1:TT
c_t[it] = β^(it * γ) * (1.0 - β^γ) * a0
p = params(a0=100)
c_t = zeros(p.TT + 1)
consumption!(p, c_t)
# Plotting
plot(c_t, xlabel="Time t", ylabel="Consumption c_t", legend=false)
Solving the cake eating problem analytically is fortunately straightforward. However, when there is no analytical solution, we can tackle the exercise as in previous classes, using constrained/unconstrained optimization or a system of equations with the FOCs.
This problem can become tremendously large and computationally complex, which is why we use different approaches. We will start by presenting the dynamic problem, then we will introduce the techniques of Value Function Iteration and Policy Function.
Fehr and Kindermann (2018) show how the problem is independent of time
The dynamic problem can be written as follows, where value function
In consequence, the maximum amount of utility the agent can derive from time
The Bellman equation
can be expressed without
The solution control variable
(controls the reduction of the resource) and state variable
(describes the state of the dynamic problem at time
The analytical solution
with a few steps, we get
function params(; γ = 0.5,
β = 0.95,
a0 = 100.0,
TT = 200,
NA = 1000)
eγ = 1.0 - 1.0 / γ
a = collect(range(1, 100, NA))
return (γ=γ, β=β, a0=a0, TT=TT, eγ=eγ, NA=NA, a=a)
function dynamics(p)
@unpack TT, a0, β, γ = p
c_t = zeros(TT + 1)
a_t = zeros(TT + 1)
# Calculate the time path of consumption
a_t[1] = a0
c_t[1] = a_t[1] * (1.0 - β^γ)
for it in 2:TT+1
a_t[it] = a_t[it-1] - c_t[it-1]
c_t[it] = a_t[it] * (1.0 - β^γ)
return a_t, c_t
p = params()
a_t, c_t = dynamics(p)
function params(; γ = 0.5,
β = 0.95,
a0 = 100.0,
TT = 200,
NA = 1000)
eγ = 1.0 - 1.0 / γ
a = collect(range(1, 100, NA))
c_t = zeros(TT + 1)
a_t = zeros(TT + 1)
ap = zeros(NA)
c = zeros(NA)
V = zeros(NA)
return (γ=γ, β=β, a0=a0, TT=TT, eγ=eγ, NA=NA, a=a, c_t=c_t, a_t=a_t, ap=ap, c=c, V=V)
function dynamics!(p)
@unpack TT, a0, β, γ,c_t, a_t = p
# Calculate the time path of consumption
a_t[1] = a0
c_t[1] = a_t[1] * (1.0 - β^γ)
for it in 2:TT+1
a_t[it] = a_t[it-1] - c_t[it-1]
c_t[it] = a_t[it] * (1.0 - β^γ)
p = params()
p1 = plot(p.c_t, xlabel="Time t", ylabel="Consumption", legend=false)
p2 = plot(p.a_t, xlabel="Time t", ylabel="Savings", legend=false)
plot(p1,p2, size=(800,400))
function policy!(p)
@unpack NA, a0, β, γ, eγ, a, ap, c, V = p
# Calculate and plot policy and value function
for ia in 1:NA
ap[ia] = a[ia]*β^γ
c[ia] = a[ia] * (1.0 - β^γ)
V[ia] = ((1.0 - β^γ)^(-1.0 / γ)) * a[ia]^eγ / eγ
va = p.V
# Plot policy function
p1 = plot(p.a, p.c, xlabel="Level of resources a", ylabel="Policy Function c(a)", legend=false)
# Plot value function
p2 = plot(p.a, p.V, xlabel="Level of Resources a", ylabel="Value Function V(a)", legend=false)
#Plot future saving
p3 = plot(p.a, p.ap, xlabel="Level of Resources a", ylabel="Saving a+", legend=false)
plot(p1, p2, p3)
Solution by value function iteration#
In this section, we will solve the cake eating problem using Value Function Iteration (VFI) in the style of Fehr and Kindermann (2018) and Quantecon.
First of all, to solve this problem, we face the difficulty that the computer cannot handle arbitrary functions, as a function is an infinite-dimensional object. The computer cannot solve a dynamic programming problem on a continuous state space, e.g.
We need to discretize
the state space
The dynamic programming problem
using the constraint directly into the function:
Then we have to solve a set of decisions
There are two relevant points when solving this optimization problem:
How can we determine the value function
-> value function iteration.Knowing the value function
, how can we come up with a solution to the optimization problems.
The algorithm follows the fix point iteration:
Discretize the state space
in a grid .Initial guess of
, e.g. .Determinal the optimal policies
and for all .Get the resulting value function
Find the fixed point of the dynamic program -> check the criteria
. If the , update using and go back to step 2.
function params(; γ = 0.5,
β = 0.95,
a0 = 100.0,
TT = 200,
NA = 1000,
crit = 1e-4,
itermax = 2000,
a_min = 0.0,
a_max = a0)
eγ = 1.0 - 1.0 / γ
a = collect(range(a_min, a_max, NA))
ia_opt = zeros(NA)
u_temp = zeros(NA)
return (γ=γ, β=β, a0=a0, TT=TT, eγ=eγ, NA=NA, a=a, crit=crit, itermax=itermax, ia_opt=ia_opt, u_temp=u_temp)
function u(p, c)
@unpack eγ, β = p
return c^eγ / eγ
function bellman!(p,v)
@unpack NA, β, a, ia_opt, u_temp = p
ia_opt[1] = 1
v[1] = v[2] - 100.0
# Calculate optimal decision for every grid point
for ia in 2:NA
for ia_p in 1:max(ia-1, 1)
# Calculate consumption
c_temp = max(a[ia] - a[ia_p], 1e-10)
# Calculate utility
u_temp[ia_p] = u(p, c_temp) + β * v[ia_p]
V_max, index_max = findmax(u_temp[1:max(ia-1,1)])
v[ia] = V_max
function VFI(p, v0)
@unpack crit, itermax, a, NA, β, ia_opt, u_temp = p
v = copy(v0)
v_new = copy(v0)
# Iterate until value function converges
for iter in 1:itermax
#Update value
v = copy(v_new)
#New value v_new
bellman!(p, v_new)
# Get convergence level
valuediff = maximum(abs.(v_new .- v))
if iter%50==0
println("Iter: ", iter, " Convergence Level: ", valuediff)
# Check for convergence
if valuediff < crit
println("Covergence is Ok: (iter, crit)", (iter, valuediff))
if iter == itermax
println("Not convergence")
return v
p = params()
v0 = zeros(p.NA)
@time v = VFI(p,v0);
plot(p.a, v, label="Optimal value", xlabel="a", ylabel="v(a)", color=:blue)
plot!(p.a, va, label="Analytical", color=:red)
plot!(p.a, v0, label="Initial value", color=:green)
Iter: 50 Convergence Level: 8.951194409198933
Iter: 100 Convergence Level: 0.68874943251285
Iter: 150 Convergence Level: 0.05299580805649384
Iter: 200 Convergence Level: 0.004077761140706571
Iter: 250 Convergence Level: 0.00031376323022414
Covergence is Ok: (iter, crit)(273, 9.643728344599367e-5)
1.568990 seconds (560.19 k allocations: 1.076 GiB, 16.11% gc time, 9.82% compilation time)
Solve VFI using interpolation#
The algorithm follows the fix point iteration:
Discretize the state space
in a grid .Initial guess of
, e.g. .Get the resulting value function
using interpolation ofFind the fixed point of the dynamic program -> check the criteria
. If the , update using and go back to step 2.
using Optim
using Interpolations
function params(;
a_grid = range(a_grid_min, stop=a_grid_max, length=a_grid_size)
return (β=β, γ=γ, a_grid=a_grid, crit=crit, itermax=itermax)
# Utility function
function u(p, c)
@unpack γ = p
if γ == 1.0
return log.(c)
return (c.^(1 - γ)) ./ (1 - γ)
function state_action_value(p, c, x, v_array)
@unpack a_grid, β = p
vp = LinearInterpolation(a_grid, v_array, extrapolation_bc = Line())
return -(u(p, c) + β * vp(x - c))
function T(v, p)
@unpack a_grid = p
v_new = similar(v)
for (i, x) in enumerate(a_grid)
objective = c -> state_action_value(p, c, x, v)
result = optimize(objective, 1e-10, x)
v_new[i] = -Optim.minimum(result)
return v_new
p = params()
a_grid = p.a_grid
v = u(p,a_grid) # Initial guess
n = 20 # Number of iterations
p1 = plot(a_grid, v, label="Initial guess", color=:red)
for i in 1:n
v = T(v, p) # Apply the Bellman operator
p1 = plot!(a_grid, v, xlabel="a", ylabel="v(a)", label="", color=:blue, alpha=(i/n))
function VFI(p, v0)
@unpack crit, itermax = p
# Set up loop
v = copy(v0)
for i in 1:itermax
v_new = T(v, p)
vdiff = maximum(abs.(v - v_new))
if vdiff<crit
print("Convergence ok, iter:", i)
if i%25==0
println("iter, vdiff: ", (i, vdiff))
if i==itermax
println("Not convergece")
#Update v0
v = copy(v_new)
return v
p = params(itermax=1000)
a_grid = p.a_grid
v0 = u(p,a_grid) # Initial guess
v_new = VFI(p, v0)
plot(a_grid, v0, xlabel="a", ylabel="v(a)", label="Initial guess", color=:red)
plot!(a_grid, v_new, label="Optimal value", color=:blue)
iter, vdiff: (25, 27.315312306314127)
iter, vdiff: (50, 10.098330629646625)
iter, vdiff: (75, 3.661005003941682)
iter, vdiff: (100, 1.321281965741946)
iter, vdiff: (125, 0.4763474203921305)
iter, vdiff: (150, 0.17168805355163386)
iter, vdiff: (175, 0.061877023913211815)
iter, vdiff: (200, 0.022300381327113428)
iter, vdiff: (225, 0.008036993313453422)
iter, vdiff: (250, 0.002896506791785214)
iter, vdiff: (275, 0.0010438916062867065)
iter, vdiff: (300, 0.0003762151136470493)
iter, vdiff: (325, 0.00013558669229496445)
Convergence ok, iter:
function v_star(p, x)
@unpack β, γ = p
return (1 - β ^ (1 / γ)) ^ (-γ) .* (x .^ (1 - γ) / (1 - γ))
vs = v_star(p,a_grid)
plot(a_grid[2:end], vs[2:end], xlabel="a", ylabel="v(a)", label="analytical", color=:red)
plot!(a_grid[2:end], v_new[2:end], xlabel="a", ylabel="v(a)", label="optimal value", color=:blue)
Get the policy functions
Solution using the optimal value function
Solution by policy function iteration#
The idea is solve the policy function:
The algorithm is
Start with initial guess of the policy function, e.g.
Determine the optimal policies
for all by solving the set of FOC: , where . We get by interpolation.Check the convergence of
.If the
, update using and go back to step 2.
using LinearAlgebra, Roots #NLsolve,
function params(;
a_grid = range(a_grid_min, stop=a_grid_max, length=a_grid_size)
return (β=β, γ=γ, a_grid=a_grid, crit=crit, itermax=itermax)
function u_prime(p, c)
@unpack γ = p
if c<0
return -6666
return c^(-γ)
function euler_diff(p, c, x, σ)
@unpack β = p
# c = c[1]
cp = σ(x - c)
return u_prime(p,c) - β * u_prime(p, cp)
function K(σ0, p)
@unpack β, a_grid = p
σ_new = similar(σ0)
σ = LinearInterpolation(a_grid, σ0, extrapolation_bc = Line())
# σ = x -> LinearAlgebra.interp(x, x_grid, σ_array)
for (i, x) in enumerate(a_grid)
# handle small x separately --- helps numerical stability
if x < 1e-12
σ_new[i] = 0.0
# handle other x
# res = nlsolve(c -> euler_diff(p,c,x,σ), [σ0[2]], autodiff = :forward) #
res = find_zero(c -> euler_diff(p,c,x,σ), (1e-10, x), Bisection())
σ_new[i] = res#.zero[1]
return σ_new
function PFI(p, σ0)
@unpack crit, itermax = p
# Set up loop
σ = copy(σ0)
for i in 1:itermax
σ_new = K(σ, p)
σdiff = maximum(abs.(σ - σ_new))
if σdiff<crit
print("Convergence ok, iter:", i)
if i%25==0
println("iter, vdiff: ", (i, σdiff))
if i==itermax
println("Not convergece")
#Update σ
σ = copy(σ_new)
return σ
p = params(a_grid_min=1e-3)
a_grid = p.a_grid
c = a_grid
p1 = plot(a_grid, c, label="init")
for i in 1:15
c = K(c, p)
p1 = plot!(a_grid,c, label="")
ca(p, a) = (1 - p.β^(1/p.γ)) .* a
c_an = ca(p, a_grid)
c = PFI(p, c_an./2)
plot(a_grid, c, label="solution")
plot!(a_grid,c_an, label="analytical")
iter, vdiff: (25, 0.0004094352733778131)
iter, vdiff: (50, 0.0002991361693477079)
iter, vdiff: (75, 0.0001877976451882049)
iter, vdiff: (100, 0.00010704894602843462)
Convergence ok, iter:103
Given the solution of the policy function
, obtain .Get the optimal value function.
Compare the result
of VFI with index, VFI with interpolation, and PFI.